have you tried different pathways?

Inteferrental Current

Interferential Current (IFC) is a therapy similar to TENS units, but with a higher voltage amplitude that penetrates deeper than conventional trans electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

What can IFC help with:

  • Muscle tension 
  • decrease pain 
  • improve circulation into the targeted tissue 
  • improve sports recovery 
  • decreases inflammation in the area 
  • Decreases low back pain 
  • Decreases Neck pain 
  • Improves Relaxation

Active e-stim

It uses the same interferential current (IFC), but in conjunction with specific rehabilitation protocols to improve the patient’s recovery quality.

What can Active E-Stim help:

  • Neuro  Re-education rehab 
  • stability and mobility 
  • muscle activation
  • Brain-body movement connection